Neil Young Journeys (2012)
directed by Jonathan Demme
featuring Neil Young, Bob Young, Ben Young -
Greyhound Attack (2019)
directed by Christopher Forbes
featuring Brad Owens, Scotty Sparks, Bob Young, Christopher Brophy, William Wylie, Ronald Blanton -
The Last Waltz (1978)
directed by Martin Scorsese
featuring Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Neil Diamond, Emmylou Harris, Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, Neil Young, Ringo Starr -
Mrs. Henderson Presents (2005)
directed by Stephen Frears
featuring Judi Dench, Bob Hoskins, William Young, Christopher Guest, Kelly Reilly, Thelma Barlow -
A Million Little Pieces (2018)
directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson
featuring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Billy Bob Thornton, Giovanni Ribisi, Juliette Lewis, Odessa Young -
The Hammer (2011)
directed by Oren Kaplan
featuring Russell Harvard, Raymond J. Barry, Shoshannah Stern, Michael Anthony Spady, Courtney Halverson, Susan Gibney, Joseph McKelheer, Eben Kostbar, Rich Franklin, Gavin Bellour, Stephen Dodd, Theodore Conley, Anthony Traina, Lexi Marman, Cory Knauf, Kara Luiz, Lauren Fox, Bob Hiltermann, Sara Fletcher, Gabe Stolt, Rocky Abou-Sakher, Matthew Dickens, James Tristan Moore, Will Kurz, Trevor Gross, Lilly Hisenaj, Avi Rothman, Craig Young, Jason, Bovenzi, Paul Burress -
The Great Lover (1949)
directed by Alexander Hall
featuring Bob Hope, Rhonda Fleming, Roland Young, Roland Culver, Richard Lyon -
The Man Nobody Knew (2011)
directed by Carl Colby
featuring Carl Colby, Barbara Colby, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Bob Woodward, Bob Kerrey, James Schlesinger, Dale Andrade, Tim Weiner, Seymour Hersh, Corrado Cantatore, Jonathan Clarke, Daren Flitcroft, Donald Gregg, Fisher Howe, Thomas Hughes, Oleg Kalugin, John Langan, James Lilley, Edward N. Luttwak, Thomas McCoy, Robert McFarlane, Elizabeth McIntosh, H.R. McMaster, Hugh Montgomery, John Nagl, Rufus Phillips, Walter Pincus, Daniel Schorr, Laurence Silberman, John Singlaub, Joseph W. Smith, Evan Thomas, Hugh Tovar, William Webster, Steve Young -
Plan B (2001)
directed by Greg Yaitanes
featuring Diane Keaton, Paul Sorvino, Maury Chaykin, Bob Balaban, Burt Young, Natasha Lyonne -
Michael Franti and Spearhead: Live in Sydney (2005)
directed by Joe Bonanno
featuring Michael Frant, Carl Young, Dave Shil, Bob Crawford, Mannas Itiene -
Gerrymandering (2010)
directed by Jeff Reichert
featuring Debo Adegbile, Dave Aronberg, Dana Bauer, Steve Bickerstaff, Bill Cavala, Erwin Chemerinsky, Ed Cook, Linda Curtis, Gray Davis, Howard Dean, Jim Dunnam, Kathay Feng, Les Francis, Martin Frost, John Fund, Guillermo Garcia, Bob Graham, Bernie Grofman, Lani Guiner, Lisa Handley, Bill Hauck, Gerry Hebert, Janis Hirohama, Tom Hofeller, Sam Issacharoff, Hakeem Jeffries, Doug Johnson, Bob Kostelka, Justin Levitt, Susan Lerner, Jim Mangia, Jim Mayer, Mike McDonald, Adam Mendelsohn, Rob Richie, Ed Rollins, Gary Rudicil, Jeffrey Sadow, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlie Stenholm, George Stonefish, Chris Swain, John Tanner, Art Torres, John Trasviņa, Peter Wagner, Jeff Wice, Pete Wilson, Danny Young