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100% Secure Shopping

We guarantee that shopping with Alibris is safe. You never have to worry about the safety of your credit card information when shopping here. If unauthorized or fraudulent charges are ever made, you do not have to pay for them. Period. For details, please see below.

Why shopping here is safe
At Alibris, protecting your information is fundamental. To ensure your information is safely guarded, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. When giving your credit card number, SSL encrypts all personal information including your card number, name and address. With this encryption, only Alibris is allowed to decode your information.

How can you be sure any connection is secure? Look for an unbroken-key icon or a closed-lock icon in your browser window after accessing a server. You will usually find the icon in the lower-right or lower-left corner of your browser window, but some browsers display the icon elsewhere (near the address bar, for instance). The key or lock icon indicates that SSL is active and your information secure. You can also double-check by looking at the URL line of your browser. When accessing a secure server, the first characters of the site address will change from "http" to "https".

Please note: Payment for all items ordered through Alibris, including those shipped by a seller, takes place on the Alibris Web site, so it's never necessary to provide payment information to a seller directly. When contacting a seller directly through our Web-based forms to get more information about a book, do not include your credit card number or any other personal information, as the e-mail will not be encrypted and is therefore not secure. Please be aware of fraudulent activity.

Guarantee details
In general your bank cannot hold you liable for more than £50 of fraudulent charges. If your bank does hold you liable, Alibris will pay the entire amount for you, up to the full £50, as long as (1) you have notified your credit card company in accordance with their reporting procedures, (2) the unauthorized use of your credit card resulted from no cause of your own, and (3) the loss resulted from orders made at Alibris while using our secure server.