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Alibris UK Affiliate Program

Join the Alibris Affiliate Program in 3 easy steps!

1. Sign up with the Alibris affiliate program via Rakuten Marketing's LinkShare.
2. Create links to books, movies and music from our catalogue of millions of items utilizing the Publisher Dashboard in Rakuten Marketing and put them on your website.
3. Make 5% commission on sales made within 10 days of customer clickthrough on your link!
Alibris affiliates are paid on a net 60 basis via LinkShare, can opt for direct deposit or check, and have full access to tracking and payment history via LinkShare.

About The Alibris Affiliate Program

The program allows you to generate revenue by placing links, including text and image links, on your website. When a visitor clicks a link on your website and makes a purchase at Alibris, you'll earn a baseline 5% commission. Even if a customer doesn't immediately make a purchase, you will earn a commission for their purchase within 10 days of clicking the link.

Current members of the affiliate program range from price comparison tools; book, music & movie reviewers; search engine marketers; rebate and coupon aggregators; blogs; and publishers of niche content. With over 180 million items in our marketplace, you're sure to find something that will be enticing to your audience.

The Alibris affiliate program enhances your site by pointing your visitors to resources that interest them, and you gain the financial benefits of selling online without the cost of maintaining an e-commerce site. The program is free and is open to Web sites of all sizes. And because Alibris is dedicated to offering world-class customer service, you can be confident that you're providing value to your visitors.

How To Become An Alibris Affiliate

It's easy to set up an Alibris Affiliates account through LinkShare. Review the Alibris affiliate program's Terms and Conditions and accept the terms by selecting the Join Now link at the bottom of that page. Then complete the Alibris Affiliates Application on the LinkShare Web site. Once we notify you that you've been accepted as an Alibris Affiliate, you'll be able to go to the Create Links section of the LinkShare Web site, choose the banners or text links that you want to appear on your Web site, and copy the HTML code to paste on the pages of your site where you want the Alibris links to appear. The code will already have been customized for your unique affiliate ID. For more information, check out our FAQ page. You can also link directly to book, music or movie titles and author/artists names.



Alibris Affiliate Program Links:

Terms & Conditions
Direct Product Linking