The Man Nobody Knew (2011)
directed by Carl Colby
featuring Carl Colby, Barbara Colby, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Bob Woodward, Bob Kerrey, James Schlesinger, Dale Andrade, Tim Weiner, Seymour Hersh, Corrado Cantatore, Jonathan Clarke, Daren Flitcroft, Donald Gregg, Fisher Howe, Thomas Hughes, Oleg Kalugin, John Langan, James Lilley, Edward N. Luttwak, Thomas McCoy, Robert McFarlane, Elizabeth McIntosh, H.R. McMaster, Hugh Montgomery, John Nagl, Rufus Phillips, Walter Pincus, Daniel Schorr, Laurence Silberman, John Singlaub, Joseph W. Smith, Evan Thomas, Hugh Tovar, William Webster, Steve Young -
Red Runs the River (1963)
directed by Katherine Stenholm
featuring Charles Applegate, Jim Carter, Robert Pratt, Bob Woodward, Ronald Hill -