Why a Son Needs a Mom
Gregory Lang
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Why a Daughter Needs a Dad
Gregory Lang
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Why a Son Needs a Dad
Gregory Lang
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The Simplest Baby Book in the...
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Go the Fuck to Sleep
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Cribsheet: A Data-Driven...
Emily Oster
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Why We Need Grandsons
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Shepherding a Child's Heart
Dr. Tedd Tripp
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Dad Jokes: Good, Clean Fun...
Jimmy Niro
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Nurture: A Modern Guide to...
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Dad Jokes for New Dads:...
Jimmy Niro
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The Color of Water: A Black...
James McBride
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Smart But Scattered Teens:...
Richard Guare, PhD,
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The New Strong-Willed Child
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Parenting with Love and Logic...
Foster Cline,
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Wild Things: The Art of...
Stephen James,
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The Absent Father Effect on...
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Free-Range Kids: How Parents...
Lenore Skenazy
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The Defiant Child: A Parent's...
Douglas a Riley
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Battle Hymn of the Tiger...
Amy Chua
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