Magical Mischief! On a midsummer night a group of mortals becomes ensnared in a magical realm by Oberon the King of Fairies and Puck his faithful servant. This delightful romp is Shakespeare's most enduring and popular play.Captain of our fairy band Helena is here at hand And the youth mistook by mePleading for a lover's fee;Shall we their fond pageant see?Lord what fools these mortals be!
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Magical Mischief! On a midsummer night a group of mortals becomes ensnared in a magical realm by Oberon the King of Fairies and Puck his faithful servant. This delightful romp is Shakespeare's most enduring and popular play.Captain of our fairy band Helena is here at hand And the youth mistook by mePleading for a lover's fee;Shall we their fond pageant see?Lord what fools these mortals be!
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This copy has activities and discussion questions on the left for every page of text on the right. It also includes pictures of costuming and sets for production ideas and a full section in the back to supplement with extension activities.
Mar 17, 2011
The book is really old, but at least no page is missing
Oct 12, 2007
A comedy
I didn't find this play very funny. This tale of lovers placed under a spell was just a mass to read. Shakespeare writes some awesome plays, but this is not his best work. The characters are irritating and while the fairies are interesting they cannot support the entire play.