A magical tale of love, mischief, and enchantment, A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare whisks readers into a world where fairies meddle in human affairs, leading to humorous and unexpected twists. This timeless comedy explores the complexities of romance and imagination in the most whimsical of ways.
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A magical tale of love, mischief, and enchantment, A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare whisks readers into a world where fairies meddle in human affairs, leading to humorous and unexpected twists. This timeless comedy explores the complexities of romance and imagination in the most whimsical of ways.
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This copy has activities and discussion questions on the left for every page of text on the right. It also includes pictures of costuming and sets for production ideas and a full section in the back to supplement with extension activities.
Mar 17, 2011
The book is really old, but at least no page is missing
Oct 12, 2007
A comedy
I didn't find this play very funny. This tale of lovers placed under a spell was just a mass to read. Shakespeare writes some awesome plays, but this is not his best work. The characters are irritating and while the fairies are interesting they cannot support the entire play.