This is the story of the Hastings family--their secrets, their loves and losses, dreams and heartbreaks--captured in a seamless series of individual moments that span the years between the first World War and the present. The novel opens in 1914 as William, a young factory worker, spends one last evening at home before his departure for the navy...His son Billy grows into a champion cyclist and will ride into the D-Day landings on a military bicycle...His son, in turn, Will, struggles with a debilitating handicap to become ...
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This is the story of the Hastings family--their secrets, their loves and losses, dreams and heartbreaks--captured in a seamless series of individual moments that span the years between the first World War and the present. The novel opens in 1914 as William, a young factory worker, spends one last evening at home before his departure for the navy...His son Billy grows into a champion cyclist and will ride into the D-Day landings on a military bicycle...His son, in turn, Will, struggles with a debilitating handicap to become an Oxford professor in the 1960s...And finally, young Billie Hastings makes a life for herself as an artist in contemporary London.
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