Morgan's novella explores the interwoven stories of the protagonists, Maximilian "Max" Callahan and Dr. Astrid Callahan. In a small town outside Montreal, experience the everyday lives of Maximilian, an actor between jobs, back in his hometown after some time away in the big city, and Astrid, a scientist who specializes in AI who never left that town. Explore the life of these siblings, as they confront their personal trials and pasts.
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Morgan's novella explores the interwoven stories of the protagonists, Maximilian "Max" Callahan and Dr. Astrid Callahan. In a small town outside Montreal, experience the everyday lives of Maximilian, an actor between jobs, back in his hometown after some time away in the big city, and Astrid, a scientist who specializes in AI who never left that town. Explore the life of these siblings, as they confront their personal trials and pasts.
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