Morgan's third and final novella within the "Worn" series explores the story of Mary Casablancas, an isolated senior at the very end of her final year of High School. Mary spends most of her days in the same old routine, drifting between classes, and taking her first tentative steps into love, with her girlfriend, Eudoxia Clayton. How will Mary's life turn out, as she and Eudoxia move through it together? Find out in the final novella in the 'Worn' series.
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Morgan's third and final novella within the "Worn" series explores the story of Mary Casablancas, an isolated senior at the very end of her final year of High School. Mary spends most of her days in the same old routine, drifting between classes, and taking her first tentative steps into love, with her girlfriend, Eudoxia Clayton. How will Mary's life turn out, as she and Eudoxia move through it together? Find out in the final novella in the 'Worn' series.
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