Thought provoking quick read
From an individual's perspective, Godin offers a motivational message: take risks, follow your dreams, ignore detractors, and perhaps you too could change the world. If you aren't happy with what you are doing for a living, Godin urges you to start doing something that makes you happy, this doesn't necessarily mean changing jobs, but taking a different approach to your present job. Much of the book seems to be targeted at people who work for different corporations and organizations as opposed to those free agents who do their own thing, but there is advice for independent writers as well.
While various online applications such as Facebook and Twitter are referred to, Godin's message is that the application being used doesn't matter, those will come and go. It is what people choose to do with the various tools that are out there and how they choose to use those tools to organize and inspire others to join their team and create change.