No sleep until...
... you have finished it. I really love to read Mr. Neiderman's - so fast moving, intriguing and abruptly ending, and you never predict the clue to the whole story while in process. The girl here - Diana - is sure lovely, and one can follow a romantic tour along, with modest Aaron strugling to find the reason why this pretty lady is obviously taken with him. Why not, though? Everybody gets whatever the God - Mr. Neiderman here, Lord save me - disposes before them: neighbours get shot, brothers get lost, officials get scared, and it is a wander that nothing of the kind is happennig around in the real life - at least, while in Oregon some 13 years ago I got to realize that whatever it is shooting in Hollywood and then running in Russia is not always all the same. But the book is just great, you enjoy every page of it, never mention that "The Running Man" with starring Arnold never appeared in the print, or did it. Anyway, we don't have it here across the ocean from CA, and I am really looking forward winnig some extra dollars - courtesy of Alibris - to order another bestseller by Mr.Andrew. Thank you!