Fair. No dust jacket as issued. Fair condition. COVER-some bends, few small tears and scrapes; yellow stain on back, few other (trivial) stains. PAGES-age-related browning, some other (trivial) blemishes, clean overall; some small tears and bends, first few pgs. have indentations; first pg. has personal inscription, no other writing. 180 pgs. Not ex-library.
Fair. No dust jacket. Former library copy with associated markings. COVER (no jacket)-stains; rubwear/scratches, edges have dents, abrasions, and a small tear. PAGES-several smudges, generally clean; some bending, one small tear; no text-markings, no notes. 280 pgs., many black/white photographs.
Fair. No dust jacket. Former library copy with associated markings. COVER (no jacket-as issued? )-bent, long crease on front, scratches; several small smudges. PAGES-few minor smudges, clean overall; bends, no tears; no text-markings, no notes. 170+ pgs.
Binding: Trade paperback
Publisher: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Date published: 1985
Description: Fair. No dust jacket as issued. Former library copy with associated markings. Fair condition. COVER-smudges and other minor stains; added protective clear plastic is peeling up inside covers at edges, otherwise medium wear, no tears. PAGES-smudges and other minor stains, generally clean; some creases, no tears; reading pgs. have no text-markings or notes. 200+ pgs. Read More
Binding: Trade paperback
Publisher: Mosby
Date published: 1996
Description: Good. No dust jacket. Good condition. COVER-minor smudges on back, generally clean; rubwear/minor scratches, bends around edges, minor edgewear, no tears. PAGES-age-related yellowing, smudges, generally clean; bends around edges, no tears. 322 pgs. Not ex-library. Read More
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Mosby-Year Book
Date published: 1992
Description: Fair. No dust jacket. Fair condition. PAGES-highlightings, text-markings, notes; minor smudges, generally clean; medium bending, no tears. COVER (no jacket-as issued? )-small white stains, generally clean; moderate wear including scratches, slight tears on corners. 600+ pgs. Not ex-library. Read More
Binding: Trade paperback
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Date published: 1998
Description: Fair. Fair condition. COVER-medium wear-edgewear including a small tear, overall rubwear, bends; trivial stains, clean overall. PAGES-minor stains, clean overall; minor bends, no tears; no writing. 1000+ pgs. Not ex-library. Read More
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Elsevier
Date published: 1997
Description: Good. No dust jacket. Former library copy with associated markings. Good condition. COVER (no jacket-as issued? )-minor wear; minor stains, clean overall. PAGES-medium bending (as manufactured? ), no tears; minor stains, clean overall; no text-markings, no notes. Time-Varying Image Processing and Moving Object Recognition, 4: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop, Florence, Italy, September 5-6, 1996. 300+ pgs. Read More
Edition: Unabridged
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Date published: 1991
Description: Good. Former library copy with associated markings. Good condition. COVER (plain library hardcover on outside, original paperback cover inside)-rubmarks; minor stains, clean overall. PAGES-minor stains at few places, clean overall; minor scars at bottom of blank pgs. in front, otherwise no tears; no text-markings, no notes. Read More
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Blackwell Scientific Publications
Date published: 1991
Description: Fair. No dust jacket. Fair+ condition. PAGES-marginal markings on many pgs., underlinings on few pgs., no notes; minor stains, clean overall; no tears. COVER (no jacket-as issued? )-small dents around edges, other (minor) wear; minor stains, clean overall. 300+ pgs. Not ex-library. Read More
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Westview Press
Date published: 1994
Description: Fair. No dust jacket. Former library copy with associated markings. Good condition. COVER (no jacket)-medium stains, generally clean; minor wear. PAGES-occasional minor stains, clean overall; minor bends at margins, no tears; no text-markings, no notes. 200+ pgs. Read More
Binding: Trade paperback
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Date published: 2003
Description: Fair. Fair+ condition. COVER-medium wear, scratches, bends around edges, edgewear, no tears; clean. PAGES-outside edge has smudges, interior has occasional minor stains, clean overall; bends (some folds) around edges, small tear on first page (only); no writing. 600+ pgs. Not ex-library. Read More