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by Barbara Bonney (soprano), Edgar Meyer (double bass), Emanuel Ax (piano), Isaac Stern (violin), Jaime Laredo (viola), Kathryn Stott (piano), Pamela Frank (violin), Rebecca Young (viola), Ton Koopman (harpsichord), Ton Koopman (organ)
by Yo-Yo Ma with The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Ton Koopman
by Ton Koopman (organ), Ton Koopman (harpsichord), Yo-Yo Ma (cello), Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Ton Koopman (conductor)
by Barbara Schlick (soprano), Guy de Mey (tenor), Kai Wessel (alto), Klaus Mertens (baritone), Ton Koopman (organ), Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir (choir, chorus), Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir, Ton Koopman (conductor)
by Gillian Weir (organ), Helmut Walcha (organ), Marcel Dupré (organ), Olivier Latry (organ), Peter Hurford (organ), Peter Planyavsky (organ), Pierre Cochereau (organ), Simon Preston (organ), Thomas Trotter (organ), Ton Koopman (organ)
by Alda Stuurop (violin), Charles Medlam (cello), Reinhard Goebel (violin), Ton Koopman (harpsichord)
by Bogna Bartosz (alto), Dorothea Röschmann (soprano), Elisabeth von Magnus (alto), Jörg Dürmüller (tenor), Klaus Mertens (bass), Amsterdam Baroque Choir (choir, chorus), Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Ton Koopman (conductor)
by Alfred Brendel (piano), Capella Academica Wien, Imogen Cooper (piano), Ingrid Haebler (piano), Katia Labèque (piano), Marielle Labèque (piano), Semyon Bychkov (piano), Ton Koopman (harpsichord)
by Andrew Lawrence-King (harp), Jordi Savall (viola da gamba), Lorenz Duftschmid (violin), Paolo Pandolfo (viola da gamba), Rolf Lislevand (guitar), Rolf Lislevand (vihuela), Ton Koopman (harpsichord), Ton Koopman (organ)
by Ton Koopman (organ)
by Anne Grimm (soprano), Els Bongers (soprano), Kai Wessel (alto), Kees-Jan de Koning (bass), Marcel Reijans (tenor), Peter de Groot (alto), Rene Steur (bass), Simon Davies (tenor), Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir, Ton Koopman (conductor)
by Ton Koopman (harpsichord)
by Jaap ter Linden (cello), Marion Verbruggen (recorder), Ton Koopman (harpsichord), Ton Koopman (organ)
by Ingrid Haebler (piano), Mitsuko Uchida (piano), Tini Mathot (harpsichord), Ton Koopman (harpsichord)
by Jean-Marc Luisada (piano), Plácido Domingo (tenor), Simon Preston (organ), Ton Koopman (organ), Ambrosian Opera Chorus (choir, chorus), Berlin State Opera Chorus (choir, chorus)
by Pavlo Beznosiuk (violin), Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Ton Koopman (conductor)
by Barbara Schlick (soprano), Elisabeth von Magnus (vocals), Matthijs Mesdag (bass), Paul Agnew (haute contre vocal), Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir, Ton Koopman (conductor)
by Amsterdam Baroque Soloists, Andrew Manze (violin), Jaap ter Linden (treble viol), Jaap ter Linden (cello), Jaap ter Linden (viola da gamba), Marc Vallon (bassoon), Marcel Ponseele (oboe), Marion Verbruggen (recorder), Ton Koopman (cembalo)
by Ton Koopman (conductor)