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by Catherine Dubosc (vocals), Jean-Paul Fouchécourt (haute contre vocal), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Opera Lafayette Chorus (choir, chorus), Opera Lafayette Orchestra, Ryan Brown (conductor)
by Catherine Webster (soprano), Colin Balzer (tenor), Josée Lalonde (alto), Lawrence Wiliford (tenor), Les Voix Baroques, Maria Keohane (soprano), Matthew White (counter tenor), Sumner Thompson (baritone), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Tyler Duncan (baritone)
by Clare Salaman (violin), Emma Kirkby (soprano), Peter Harvey (bass), Purcell Quartet, Richard Boothby (bass viol), Robert Woolley (organ), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano)
by Angus Smith (tenor), John Potter (tenor), Julia Gooding (soprano), Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman (harpsichord), Peter Holman (organ), Richard Wistreich (bass), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano)
by Charles Daniels (tenor), Emma Kirkby (soprano), James Bowman (alto), Jeremy West (cornetto), Nicholas Perry (recorder), Nigel Rogers (tenor), Purcell Quartet, Richard Wistreich (bass), Stephen Varcoe (bass), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano)
by John Potter (tenor), Red Byrd, Richard Wistreich (bass), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Cappella Amsterdam (choir, chorus), Daniel Reuss (conductor)
by Claron McFadden (soprano), Derek Lee Ragin (counter tenor), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Teatro Lírico
by Suzie LeBlanc
by Andrew Lawrence-King (double harp), Andrew Lawrence-King (organ), Andrew Lawrence-King (harpsichord), Barbara Borden (soprano), Emily van Evera (soprano), Paivi Jarvio (mezzo-soprano), Stephen Stubbs (archlute), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Tragicomedia
by Amanda Keesmaat (cello), Diana Soviero (soprano), Karina Gauvin (soprano), Luc Beausejour (harpsichord), Lyne Fortin (soprano), Marie-Céline Labbé (baroque flute), Marie-Nicole Lemieux (contralto), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Joseph Rescigno (conductor)
by Académie Baroque de Montréal, Alexander Weimann (harpsichord), Arion, Claire Guimond (flute), Les Boréades de Montréal, Mark Bleeke (tenor), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano)
by Dominique Côté (baritone), Jean-Marc Salzmann (baritone), Nils Brown (tenor), Pascale Beaudin (soprano), Philippe Gagné (tenor), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Le Nouvel Opéra (choir, chorus), Les Boréades de Montréal, Francis Colpron (conductor)
by Alexander Weimann (harpsichord), Alexander Weimann (organ), Christina Mahler (cello), Christopher Verrette (violin), Eric Milnes (organ), Hélène Plouffe (violin), Margaret Little (viola), Sophie Larivière (recorder), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano)
by Les Boréades de Montréal, Marc Molomot (tenor), Mark Bleeke (tenor), Nathaniel Watson (baritone), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Montréal Baroque Orchestra
by Constantinople, Suzie LeBlanc (soprano)
by Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), The Blue Engine String Quartet, The Elizabeth Bishop Players, Dinuk Wijeratne (conductor)
by Daniel Taylor (counter tenor), Francis Colpron (recorder), Les Voix Humaines, Margaret Little (viola da gamba), Rafik Samman (percussion), Susan Napper (viola da gamba), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Sylvain Bergeron (lute)
by Arion, Daniel Taylor (counter tenor), Jan Kobow (tenor), Les Voix Humaines, Stephen Stubbs (luth), Stephen Varcoe (bass), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Theatre of Early Music
by Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Tragicomedia
by Claire Guimond (flute), Gottfried von der Goltz (violin), Jaap ter Linden (cello), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano), Teatro Lírico
by Arion, Claire Guimond (flute), Daniel Taylor (counter tenor), Stephen Stubbs (baroque guitar), Stephen Stubbs (lute), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano)
by Daniel Taylor (counter tenor), Francis Colpron (recorder), Francis Colpron (baroque flute), Hélène Plouffe (violin), Les Voix Humaines, Matthias Mate (baroque flute), Matthias Maute (recorder), Oliver Brault (violin), Suzie LeBlanc (soprano)
by Andrew Carwood (tenor), Caroline Stormer (alto), Elizabeth Elliott (alto), Finzi Singers (vocals), Lindsay Wagstaff (soprano), Marianne Cotterill (soprano), Mark Milhofer (tenor), Michael Sanderson (tenor), Nicholas Gedge (bass)
by Albert Millaire, Allen Whear (cello), Blair Williams, Brett Polegato (baritone), Christina Mahler (cello), Geneviève Gilardeau (violin), Jeanne Lamon (violin), John Abberger (oboe), Karina Gauvin (soprano), Marie-Nicole Lemieux (contralto)