Armada: Music from the Courts of England and Spain (2000)
by Christopher Wilson (lute), Christopher Wilson (vihuela), Elizabeth Little (strings), Julia Hodgson (strings), Michael Chance (counter tenor), Paul Nicholson (organ), Paul Nicholson (harpsichord), Richard Boothby (viol), Richard Boothby (bass viol)
William Jackson of Exeter: Songs, Canzonets and a Sonata (2018)
by Ars Musicae Ensemble, Bernat Cabot (violin), Charles Daniels (tenor), Cristina Trenchs (viola), Emma Kirkby (soprano), Irene Mas Salom (violin), Irene Mas Salom (soprano), Marc Bauzą (violin), Maria-Antņnia Melią (flute), Paul Nicholson (harpsichord)