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by Bernard Ladysz (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Leonard del Ferro (vocals), Margreta Elkins (vocals), Maria Callas (soprano), Piero Cappuccilli (vocals), Renzo Casellato (vocals), Philharmonia Orchestra, Tullio Serafin (conductor)
by Beniamino Gigli (tenor), Carlo Bergonzi (tenor), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Franco Corelli (tenor), Fritz Wunderlich (tenor), Giorgio Tadeo (bass), Giuseppe di Stefano (tenor), Jussi Björling (tenor), Luciano Pavarotti (tenor), Luigi Alva (vocals)
by Bernard Ladysz (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Leonard del Ferro (vocals), Margreta Elkins (vocals), Maria Callas (soprano), Piero Cappuccilli (vocals), Renzo Casellato (vocals), Philharmonia Chorus (choir, chorus), Philharmonia Orchestra
by Antonio Cortis (tenor), Beniamino Gigli (tenor), Elisabeth Rethberg (soprano), Ezio Pinza (bass), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Giacomo Lauri-Volpi (tenor), Giovanni Martinelli (tenor), Giovanni Zenatello (tenor), Giuseppe de Luca (baritone)
by Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Giuliana Tavolaccini (vocals), Leyla Gencer (vocals), Mario Borriello (baritone), Raimondo Botteghelli (tenor), Vito Susca (bass), Trieste Verdi Theater Chorus (choir, chorus), Trieste Verdi Theater Orchestra
by Armando Benzi (vocals), Disma de Cecco (vocals), Ebe Ticozzi (vocals), Ede Marietti Gandolfo (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (vocals), Giulio Neri (vocals), Marcella Pobbe (vocals), Coro Filarmonico del Regio di Torino (choir, chorus)
by Beniamino Gigli (vocals), Elisabeth Schumann (vocals), Enrico Caruso (tenor), Erna Berger (soprano), Ezio Pinza (bass), Feodor Chaliapin (bass), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Frida Leider (soprano), Giuseppe di Stefano (tenor), Jennie Tourel (vocals)
by Alexander Ripnis (vocals), Arthur Kent (vocals), Beniamino Gigli (tenor), Carlos Guichandut (vocals), Charles Kullmann (vocals), Dorothy Maynor (vocals), Eleanor Steber (soprano), Erna Berger (soprano), Eugene Conley (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor)
by Alberto Erede (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Franco Capuana (vocals), Giulietta Simionato (vocals), Licia Albanese (vocals), Lily Pons (vocals), Pia Tassinari (vocals), Pietro Cimara (vocals), Robert Merrill (vocals)
by Anna Maria Canali (vocals), Augusta Oltrabella (soprano), Beniamino Gigli (tenor), Cesare Valletti (vocals), Cloe Elmo (vocals), Cloe Elmo (mezzo-soprano), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Franca Somigli (soprano), Francesco Merli (tenor)
by Alfio Tedesco (tenor), Alfred Piccaver (tenor), Aureliano Pertile (tenor), Beniamino Gigli (tenor), Edmond Clement (tenor), Enrico Caruso (tenor), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Franz Völker (tenor), Giovanni Martinelli (tenor), Giovanni Zenatello (tenor)
by Alfred Piccaver (tenor), Angelo Minghetti (tenor), Aureliano Pertile (tenor), Bruno Landi (tenor), Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Galliano Masini (tenor), Georges Thill (tenor), Giacinto Prandelli (tenor), Giacomo Lauri-Volpi (tenor)
by Ferruccio Tagliavini
by Alberto Albertini (vocals), Antonio Biancardo (vocals), Carla Lazzari (vocals), Clara Petrella (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (vocals), Franco Mariani (vocals), Giuseppe Taddei (vocals), Mafalda Masini (vocals), Maria Cristina Foscale (vocals)
by Anna Maria Feuss (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (vocals), Ivan Petrov (vocals), Lily Pons (vocals), Roberto Silva (vocals), Renato Cellini (conductor)
by Dora Gatta (vocals), Enrico Campi (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (vocals), Gino Orlandini (vocals), Giulietta Simionato (vocals), Ilva Ligabue (vocals), Sesto Bruscantini (vocals), Vittorio Pandano (vocals), La Scala Theater Orchestra
by Ferruccio Tagliavini (tenor), Italo Tajo (vocals), Pia Tassinari (vocals)
by Beniamino Gigli (tenor), Emilio Venturini (vocals), Enrico Caruso (tenor), Enrico Molinari (vocals), Ezio Pinza (vocals), Ferruccio Tagliavini (vocals), Giacomo Lauri-Volpi (vocals), Italo Tajo (vocals), Mercedes Capsir (vocals)
by Ferruccio Tagliavini (vocals), Giuliano Ferrein (vocals), Marcello Cortis (vocals), Pia Tassinari (vocals), Pierluigi Latinucci (vocals), Tommaso Soley (vocals), Vittoria Neviani (vocals), Coro di Voci Bianche (choir, chorus)
by Alfio Tedesco (tenor), Amelita Galli-Curci (soprano), Andres Perello de Segurola (bass), Angelo Bada (tenor), Apollo Granforte (baritone), Aureliano Pertile (tenor), Beniamino Gigli (tenor), Bianca Scacciati (soprano), Bruno Carmassi (bass)