When David Heard: Sacred Choral Works by Thomas Tomkins (2014)
by Alec d'Oyly (treble), Alexander Simpson (counter tenor), Freddie James (organ), Hamish McLaren (counter tenor), Oliver Brown (treble), Sam Oladeinde (tenor), Tom Blackie (counter tenor), St. John's College Choir, Cambridge (choir, chorus)
Ascribe unto the Lord: Sacred Choral Works by Samuel Sebastian Wesley (2013)
by Alec d'Oyly (treble), Alexander Simpson (counter tenor), Andrew Jones (treble), Basil McDonald (bass), Geoffrey Clapham (bass), Huw Leslie (bass), James Imam (counter tenor), Jason Cobb (treble), John Challenger (organ), Julian Gregory (tenor)
The Call: More Choral Classics from St. John's (2015)
by Alexander Simpson (counter tenor), Alexander Tomkinson (treble), Alison Martin (harp), Augustus Perkins Ray (bass baritone), Edward Picton-Turbervill (organ), Joel Branston (treble), John Clapham (tenor), Maximilian Boorman (treble), Oliver Brown (treble)