The family-friendly animated story The Easter Egg Adventure concerns the city of Egg Town. Egg Town is a place where animals of various kinds live in a tranquil, friendly existence. The tranquility and peace lasts until some nasty strangers known as Take-Its conspire to take the town's Easter Eggs. Now a motley crew of Egg Town's citizens must work together in order to rescue their precious eggs. John Michael Williams' film features vocal performances by James Woods, Joe Pantoliano, Eli Wallach, and Olympic figure skater ...
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The family-friendly animated story The Easter Egg Adventure concerns the city of Egg Town. Egg Town is a place where animals of various kinds live in a tranquil, friendly existence. The tranquility and peace lasts until some nasty strangers known as Take-Its conspire to take the town's Easter Eggs. Now a motley crew of Egg Town's citizens must work together in order to rescue their precious eggs. John Michael Williams' film features vocal performances by James Woods, Joe Pantoliano, Eli Wallach, and Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan. Perry Seibert, Rovi
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