The story begins as an innocuous romantic triangle involving wealthy, spoiled Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren), handsome Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor), and schoolteacher Annie Hayworth (Suzanne Pleshette). The human story begins in a San Francisco pet shop and culminates at the home of Mitch's mother (Jessica Tandy) at Bodega Bay, where the characters' sense of security is slowly eroded by the curious behavior of the birds in the area. At first, it's no more than a sea gull swooping down and pecking at Melanie's head. Things ...
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The story begins as an innocuous romantic triangle involving wealthy, spoiled Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren), handsome Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor), and schoolteacher Annie Hayworth (Suzanne Pleshette). The human story begins in a San Francisco pet shop and culminates at the home of Mitch's mother (Jessica Tandy) at Bodega Bay, where the characters' sense of security is slowly eroded by the curious behavior of the birds in the area. At first, it's no more than a sea gull swooping down and pecking at Melanie's head. Things take a truly ugly turn when hundreds of birds converge on a children's party. There is never an explanation as to why the birds have run amok, but once the onslaught begins, there's virtually no letup. Hal Erickson, Rovi
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Hitchcock does it right; that's really the beginning and ending of it.
If you like the horror element of the everyday becoming dangerous though, this movie will particularly endear itself to you.
Terry R
Feb 6, 2016
Thanks for the DVD
This was the first movie I saw at a ripe old age of about 5 years old. My mom told my brother and myself we could watch a movie while she did the wash, The Birds was the only movie showing as it had just came out and was being shown until people stopped coming to it. It scared us so much that we left to hide in bathroom about five times. Then would come back out and start watching again until it scared us again.
Lisa S
Jan 6, 2011
The Birds
Very Good movie at a Very Good price!! I remember this movie really SCARY as a kid!!!
Elizabeth P
Jan 6, 2011
The Birds
This is one of Alfred Hitchcock's best films. It's really good and kind of scary. I've always liked this one.
Oct 5, 2009
A true classic. Might make you weary of birds, but a classic Hitchcock film.