Nate and Hayes (1983)
directed by Ferdinand Fairfax
featuring Tommy Lee Jones, Michael O'Keefe, Max Phipps, Jenny Seagrove, Grant Tilly -
Stir (1980)
directed by Stephen Wallace
featuring Bryan Brown, Max Phipps, Dennis Miller, Michael Gow, Phil Motherwell -
Nightmares (1980)
directed by John D. Lamond
featuring Jenny Neumann, Briony Behets, Gary Day, Nina Landis, Max Phipps -
Thirst (1979)
directed by Rod Hardy
featuring Chantal Contouri, David Hemmings, Henry Silva, Max Phipps, Shirley Cameron -
What the Moon Saw (1990)
directed by Pino Amenta
featuring Pat Evison, Max Phipps, Danielle Spencer, Kim Gyngell