Don't Ask Don't Tell (2002)
directed by Doug Miles
featuring Erik Frandsen, Lloyd Floyd, Steve Lippe, Rosa Rugosa, Michael McCurry -
Square Grouper: The Godfathers of Ganja (2011)
directed by Billy Corben
featuring Brother Clifton, Brother Gary, Sister Ilene, Brother Butch, Tony Darwin, Manny Funes, Arthur Tifford, Mark Potter, Randy Fisher, Robert Platshorn, Robert Meinster, Lynn Platshorn, Howard Blumin, Harold Copus, Dick Moehle, Dennis Cogan, Atlee Wampler, Nancy Daffin, Lee Noble, Lewis R. Perry, Naman Coston, L.B. Turner, David Shealy, Dana Masey, Floyd Brown, Shane Daniels, Kit Johnson, Jimmy Wheeler, Candy Daniels, Frank Chellino, Jack Lloyd