Showdown (1993)
directed by Robert Radler
featuring Ken Scott, Christine Taylor, John Mallory Asher, Patrick Kilpatrick, Linda Dona -
Pirates of Tortuga (1961)
directed by Robert D. Webb
featuring Ken Scott, Leticia Roman, Dave King, John Richardson, Rafer Johnson -
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
directed by George A. Romero
featuring Scott Reiniger, Ken Foree, David Emge, Gaylen Ross, Tom Savini -
Ambush at Cimarron Pass (1958)
directed by Jodie Copelan
featuring Scott Brady, Margia Dean, Baynes Barron, William Vaughan, Ken Mayer, Clint Eastwood -
The Trial of Billy Jack (1974)
directed by Tom Laughlin
featuring Tom Laughlin, Delores Taylor, Victor Izay, Terasa Laughlin, William Wellman, Jr., Hosea Barnett, David Scott Clark, Sandra Ego, Oshannah Fastwolf, DeLaura Henry, Debbie Hill, Trinidad Hopkins, Buffalo Horse, Patricia McCulloch, Alexandra Nicholson, Pepper Rogers, Michael J. Shigezane, Ken Tealor, Evans Thornton -
The Revisionaries (2012)
directed by Scott Thurman
featuring David Anderson, Connie Barlow, Jessica Beckham, Kimberly Bilica, Heidi Boles, Chris Comer, Bob Craig, Michael Dowd, Cynthia Dunbar, Raymond Eve, Laura Ewing, Kevin Fisher, Barbara Forrest, Julie Fry, Steve Fuller, Michael Hudson, Lee Hughes, Stephanie Klenzendorf, Norman Lear, Gail Lowe, Arturo DeLozanne, Don McLeroy, Kathy Miller, Ken Miller, Matthew Ogilvie, Thomas Ratliff, Jonathan Saenz, Steve Schafersman, Gary Scharrer, Eugenie Scott, Gerald Skoog, Srinivasan Srivilliputher, Bill Talkington, Ruthanne Thompson, Ide Trotter, Amanda Walker, Ron Wetherington -
What Is the Electric Car? (2010)
directed by Ken Grant, Scott DuPont
featuring Scott DuPont, Ken Grant, Ed Begley, Jr., Fabio, Kay Wilson