The Most Relaxing Harp Album in the World... Ever! (2005)
performed by Julia Thornton (harp), Lily Laskine (harp), Mariko Anraku (harp), Markus Klinko (harp), Michel Debost (flute), Nancy Allen (harp), Nicanor Zabaleta (harp)
composed by Alphonse Hasselmans, Anthoine Francisque, Antonio Vivaldi, Claude Debussy, Domenico Scarlatti, Elias Parish Alvars, Erik Satie, George Frederick Handel, Giovanni Battista Pescetti, Johann Sebastian Bach, John Cage, Ludwig van Beethoven, Marcel Tournier -
The Most Relaxing Flute Album in the World... Ever! (2005)
performed by Alastair Ross (harpsichord), Andrew Litton (piano), Benoit Fromanger (flute), Christopher van Kampen (cello), Denis Vigay (cello), Emmanuel Pahud (flute), Eric Le Sage (piano), Francois Gobet (piano), Fritz Helmis (harp), Hans-Martin Linde (flute)
composed by Antonio Vivaldi, Arthur Honegger, Claude Debussy, Erik Satie, Franz Joseph Haydn, Gabriel Fauré, Georg Philipp Telemann, Jacques Ibert, Johann Sebastian Bach, Jules Massenet, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart