Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos (1997)
performed by Alex Klein (oboe), Anthony Newman (cembalo), Anthony Newman (harpsichord), Bradley-Vincent Brookshire (harpsichord), Brandenburg Collegium, Brian Greene (oboe), Cynthia Roberts (violin), Douglas Lundeen (corno d), John Abberger (oboe)
composed by Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Ernst, Prince of Weimar, Johann Sebastian Bach -
Music for Keyboard Instruments by Allen Brings (2000)
performed by Allen Brings (piano), Bradley-Vincent Brookshire (harpsichord), Chris Lee (violin), Genevieve Chinn (piano), Jack Kulowitch (double bass), Lisa Tipton (violin), Liuh-Wen Ting (viola), Mitsuru Tsubota (violin), Robin Bushman (violin), Sally Shumway (viola)
composed by Allen Brings