Plasticity in the Life...
Antonine Nicoglou
Buy from $112.58
eBook from $29.60
Beyond Lamarckism: Plasticity...
Laurent Loison
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eBook from $22.00
Zero to Birth: How the Human...
William A Harris
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eBook from $19.95
Proceedings of the 14th...
Katia Mocellin (Editor),
Pierre-Olivier Bouchard (Editor)
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eBook from $71.70
Proceedings of the 14th...
Katia Mocellin (Editor),
Pierre-Olivier Bouchard (Editor)
Buy from $141.47
eBook from $71.70
Proceedings of the 14th...
Katia Mocellin (Editor),
Pierre-Olivier Bouchard (Editor)
Buy from $200.91
eBook from $71.70
A Course on Plasticity Theory
David J. Steigmann
Buy from $87.59
eBook from $59.25
Gradient-Enhanced Continuum...
George Z. Voyiadjis,
Yooseob Song
Buy from $268.02
eBook from $235.00
Size Effects in Plasticity:...
George Z. Voyiadjis,
Mohammadreza Yaghoobi
Buy from $245.58
eBook from $215.00
Plasticity: Fundamentals and...
P.M. Dixit,
U.S. Dixit
Buy from $76.62
eBook from $42.35
Severe Plastic Deformation:...
Ghader Faraji,
H.S. Kim
Buy from $225.19
eBook from $200.00
Characterisation of Soft...
Stanislaw Zurek
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eBook from $47.30
Rheology and Processing of...
Sabu Thomas (Editor),
Rene Muller (Editor)
Buy from $135.52
eBook from $175.00
Elasticity and Plasticity:...
J N Goodier,
P G Hodge Jr
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eBook from $12.95
Plasticity and Pathology: On...
David Bates,
Nima Bassiri
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eBook from $17.99
Ecological Developmental...
Scott F Gilbert,
David Epel
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eBook from $56.00
Geometrical Foundations of...
Paul Steinmann
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eBook from $56.70
Introduction to Adiabatic...
Bradley Dodd,
Yilong Bai
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eBook from $54.00
Girlhood and the Plastic Image
Heather Warren-Crow
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eBook from $44.99
Changing Brains: Applying...
Michael Merzenich,
Mor Nahum
Buy from $163.01
eBook from $288.00
Fundamentals of Engineering...
William F. Hosford
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eBook from $45.60
Plasticity: Mathematical...
Weimin Han,
B Daya Reddy
Buy from $93.32
eBook from $35.70
Integrodifferential Relations...
Georgy V Kostin,
Vasily V Saurin
Buy from $310.95
eBook from $300.00
Neuroplasticity and...
Sarah A Raskin, Ph.D. (Editor)
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eBook from $49.20