Coercive Control: The...
Evan Stark, PhD
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Coercive Control: How Men...
Evan Stark
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Silent Cry: The True Story of...
Dorothy J Newton
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The Battered Woman Syndrome
Lenore E a Walker, Edd
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Love Isn't Supposed to Hurt
Christi Paul,
Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Foreword by)
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The Stop Domestic Violence...
David B Wexler
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Rethinking Violence Against...
Rebeca Emerson Dobash,
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
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Responding to Domestic...
Eve S Buzawa,
Carl G Buzawa
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Domestic Violence Risk...
N. Zoe Hilton
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The Batterer as Parent:...
Lundy Bancroft,
Dr. Jay G Silverman
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Insult to Injury: Rethinking...
Linda G Mills
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Abetting Batterers: What...
Andrew R Klein,
Jessica L Klein
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Domestic Abuse and the Jewish...
Diane Gardsbane
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Women at Risk: Domestic...
Evan D Stark,
Anne Flitcraft
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Wounds of the Spirit: Black...
Traci C West
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Supporting Women After...
Hilary Abrahams,
Cathy Humphreys (Foreword by)
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Family Violence and Criminal...
Brian K Payne
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Abuse, Power and Fearful...
Jennifer G. Bird
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Batterer Intervention Systems...
Edward W Gondolf
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Men Who Batter Women
Adam Edward Jukes
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Religion and Men's Violence...
Andy J Johnson (Editor)
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Partner Stalking: How Women...
Tk Logan, PhD,
Jennifer Cole, MSW
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Surviving Domestic Abuse:...
Michele A. Finneran
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Family Violence:...
Dr. Dudley D Cahn, PhD (Editor)
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