The Curricular Approach to...
Kathleen G Kerr,
Keith E Edwards
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The Handbook of Student...
George S McClellan (Editor),
Jeremy Stringer (Editor)
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Deaths of Despair and the...
Anne Case,
Angus Deaton
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Assessment in Student Affairs
John H Schuh, Ph.D.,
J Patrick Biddix
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Homelessness Comes to School
Joseph F Murphy,
Kerri J Tobin
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Student Engagement in Higher...
Stephen John Quaye (Editor),
Shaun R Harper (Editor)
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Student Services: A Handbook...
John H Schuh (Editor),
Susan R Jones (Editor)
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Success with Multicultural...
Margarita Espino Calderon,
Shawn Slakk
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Research Methods and...
J Patrick Biddix,
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Assets and the Poor: New...
Michael Sherraden,
Neil Gilbert
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Community College Student...
Amanda O Latz,
Debbie L Sydow
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Contested Issues in Student...
Peter M Magolda (Editor),
Marcia B Baxter Magolda (Editor)
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What They Do with Your Money:...
Stephen Davis,
Jon Lukomnik
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The Transfer Experience: A...
John N Gardner (Editor),
Michael J Rosenberg (Editor)
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Government Surveillance of...
Kathryn Montalbano
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Student Services: A Handbook...
Susan R Komives,
Dudley B Woodard
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College Student Development:...
Wendy K Killam, PhD, Ncc, Lpc (Editor),
Suzanne Degges-White, PhD, Ncc (Editor)
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Black Students Matter: Play...
April D Duncan
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College Student Development...
Philip G Altbach (Editor),
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Job One 2.0: Understanding...
Peter M Magolda (Editor),
Jill Ellen Carnaghi (Editor)
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Advising Lesbian, Gay,...
Craig M McGill (Editor),
Jennifer Joslin (Editor)
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Gender Images in Public...
Camilla M Stivers
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Ronald E Hallett,
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Becoming Socialized in...
Ashley Tull (Editor),
Joan B Hirt, PH.D. (Editor)
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