The Bloody Circus: The Daily...
Huw Richards
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Tuc and the Working-Time...
Alice Russell
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'Mon the Workers: Celebrating...
Daniel Gray,
Alan McCredie (Photographer)
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The Tuc: From the General...
R Taylor
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The British Trades Union...
W J B 1848 Davis
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The Scottish Trades Union...
Angela Tuckett
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A short history of the T.U.C
John Lovell
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The history of the T.U.C....
Lionel Birch
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The Bairns O'Adam: The Story...
Keith Aitken
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The Congress of 1868 : the...
A. E. Musson
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At the T.U.C. : resolutions,...
Bryn Roberts
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Trade Unions, National...
Jon Clark,
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The price of TUC leadership.
Bryn Roberts
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Trades Union Congress: A Plan...
John Hughes
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Trades Union Congress: The...
Ross M. Martin
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The Trade Union Directory: A...
Jack Eaton
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Tuc, the Growth of a Pressure...
Ross M Martin
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Wage Politics in Britain
Gerald A. Dorfman
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