The Quest for a Historical...
Michael Vicko Zolondek
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The Quest for a Historical...
Michael Vicko Zolondek
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Jesus and Buddha: The...
Jack Kornfield,
Marcus Borg (Editor)
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Logos Spermaticos:...
Edmund Spiess
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Judaism and St. Paul: Two...
C G Montefiore (Claude Goldsmid) (Creator)
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Judaism and St. Paul: Two...
C G Montefiore (Claude Goldsmid) (Creator)
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Corpus Christologicum: Texts...
Gregory R Lanier
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Gospels and Gospel Traditions...
Jens Schröter (Editor),
Tobias Nicklas (Editor)
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Jesus and the Manuscripts:...
Craig a Evans
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The Bible, the Talmud, and...
Elijah Zvi Soloveitchik,
Shaul Magid (Editor)
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Gospels and Gospel Traditions...
Jens Schröter (Editor),
Tobias Nicklas (Editor)
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The Gospels and Homer:...
Dennis R MacDonald
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Luke and Vergil: Imitations...
Dennis R MacDonald
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Paul and the Synagogue:...
Delio Delrio,
Bruce D Chilton (Foreword by)
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Paul and the Synagogue
Delio Delrio,
Bruce D Chilton (Foreword by)
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Ancient Christian Gospels:...
Helmut Koester
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The New Testament and...
David Daube
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The Mind Behind the Gospels:...
Herbert W Basser
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Herodian Judaism and New...
William Horbury
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Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and...
Charles W Hedrick (Editor),
Robert Hodgson, Jr. (Editor)
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Does the New Testament...
Dennis R MacDonald
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Jesus and Moses: The Parallel...
Joey Green (Editor),
Stewart Vogel, Rabbi (Foreword by)
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Von Ben Sira Zu Paulus:...
Oda Wischmeyer,
Eve-Marie Becker (Editor)
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Kontexte Des...
Juliane Schlegel (Contributions by),
Jorg Frey (Editor)
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