Nuclear Superfluidity:...
David M. Brink,
Ricardo A. Broglia
Buy from $41.87
Introduction to Bose -...
Richard M Weiner
Buy from $176.95
Polarization and Correlation...
Vsevolod V. Balashov,
Alexei N. Grum-Grzhimailo
Buy from $98.74
eBook from $29.70
Bose-Einstein Correlations in...
Richard M Weiner
Buy from $34.00
Pair Correlations in Many...
Vladimir Z Kresin (Editor)
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Multiparticle Correlations...
J Aichelin (Editor),
Daniel Ardouin (Editor)
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The Nuclear Cooper Pair
Gr?gory Potel Aguilar,
Ricardo A Broglia
Buy from $156.64
Symmetry and Pairing in...
M Ausloos (Editor),
Sergei Kruchinin (Editor)
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Correlations, Polarization,...
Don H Madison (Editor),
Michael Schulz (Editor)
Buy from $42.78
The Nuclear Cooper Pair:...
Gr?gory Potel Aguilar,
Ricardo A Broglia
Buy from $42.38