Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and...
Gilles Deleuze,
Felix Guattari
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Oedipal Experiences in Same...
Yifat Eitan-Persico
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Hamlet and Oedipus
Ernest Jones
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The Object Relations Lens: A...
Christopher W T Miller, MD
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Oedipus, Philosopher
Jean-Joseph Goux
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Deleuze and Guattari's Anti...
Eugene W Holland
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Jay R Greenberg
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Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and...
Professor Gilles Deleuze,
Felix Guattari (Contributions by)
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Oedipus; Or, the Legend of a...
Marie Delcourt,
Malcolm B Debevoise (Translator)
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The Son's Secret: From...
Massimo Recalcati,
Alice Kilgarriff (Translator)
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Oedipus Complex
Robert Young,
Ivan Ward (Editor)
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Oedipus in the Trobriands
Mr. Melford E Spiro
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Oedipus Variations: Studies...
James Hillman,
Karl Kerényi
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Murdered Father, Dead Father:...
Rosine Jozef Perelberg
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Oedipus Unbound: Selected...
René Girard,
Mark R. Anspach (Editor)
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Oedipus: The Most Crucial...
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David Pettigrew (Translator)
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Foucault Versus Freud:...
Jerome C Wakefield
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Fixing Gender: Lesbian...
Natasha Distiller
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Jocastas Children PB
Christine Olivier
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Oedipus and the Couple
Francis Grier
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Oedipal God: The Chinese...
Meir Shahar
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Oedipus Variations
Karl Kerenyi
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Attachment, Sexuality, Power:...
Jerome C Wakefield
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Jocasta's Children: The...
Christiane Olivier,
George Craig (Introduction by)
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Les Enfants De Jocaste
C. Olivier
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