Tobacco Dependence: A...
Michelle N. Eakin (Editor),
Hasmeena Kathuria (Editor)
Buy new from $118.32
Preventing and Treating...
Harold Farber MD Msph Faap, M D,
Matthew Bars, MS
Buy new from $52.57
A Psychoanalytic Approach to...
Fung Ko
Buy new from $41.59
A Psychoanalytic Approach to...
Fung Ko
Buy new from $168.70
Why People Smoke: An...
Frank T Leone,
Sarah Evers-Casey
Buy new from $94.17
Why People Smoke: An...
Frank T Leone,
Sarah Evers-Casey
Buy new from $30.30
Tobacco Dependence: A...
Michelle N. Eakin (Editor),
Hasmeena Kathuria (Editor)
Buy new from $154.83
What Are the Risks of Vaping?
Bev Crawford
Buy new from $112.99
Por fin vas a dejar de fumar
Ángel Castillo
Buy new from $20.26
The Nicotine Delusion: And...
Gabriel Symonds
Buy new from $38.42
This Naked Mind: Nicotine:...
Annie Grace,
William Porter
Buy new from $15.64
Vaping Addiction
Elizabeth Hobbs Voss
Buy new from $117.45
E-cigarettes: Patterns of Use...
Oliver Delgado (Editor)
Buy new from $290.86
E-Cigarettes: Affecting Lives
Jeanne Marie Ford
Buy new from $90.87
Quit Vaping: Your Four-Step,...
Brad Lamm,
Mehmet Oz (Foreword by)
Buy new from $15.72
Nicotinism and the Emerging...
Sushil Sharma
Buy new from $300.16
Nicotinism and the Emerging...
Sushil Sharma
Buy new from $300.16
Nicotinism and the Emerging...
Sushil Sharma (Editor)
Buy new from $300.16
Nicotinism and the Emerging...
Sushil Sharma
Buy new from $300.16
Kick Your Addiction: How to...
Frederick Woolverton,
Susan Shapiro
Buy new from $66.64
Implementing an Inpatient...
Patricia M Smith,
C Barr Taylor
Buy new from $46.81
Sí Se Puede Dejar de Fumar: T...
Roberto Navarro
Buy new from $15.07
Nicotine Addiction:...
Giuseppe Di Giovanni (Editor)
Buy new from $188.65
Clinical Treatment Guide for...
Jason A Toulon (Editor)
Buy new from $170.44