Seismic Wave Propagation...
Haruo Sato,
Kentaro Emoto
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Explorations in Monte Carlo...
Ronald W Shonkwiler,
Franklin Mendivil
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Monte Carlo in Heavy Charged...
Pablo Cirrone (Editor),
Giada Petringa (Editor)
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Feeling Lucky: The Production...
Paul Franke
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MCMC from Scratch: A...
Masanori Hanada,
So Matsuura
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Monte Carlo Methods for...
Wenjian Yu,
Michael Mascagni
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Monte-Carlo Simulation: An...
Alan Stevens
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Monte Carlo Calculations in...
Habib Zaidi, Ph.D (Editor)
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Calculating X-ray Tube...
Gavin Poludniowski,
Artur Omar
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Monte Carlo Techniques in...
Joao Seco (Editor),
Frank Verhaegen (Editor)
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A Guide to Monte Carlo...
David Landau,
Kurt Binder
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An Introduction to Sequential...
Nicolas Chopin,
Omiros Papaspiliopoulos
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Monte Carlo Methods for...
Alireza Haghighat
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Randomization, Bootstrap and...
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Principles and Methods for...
Arni S.R. Srinivasa Rao (Volume editor),
C.R. Rao (Volume editor)
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Monte Carlo Simulation in...
Kurt Binder,
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The Computer Simulation of...
Abdo Abou Jaoudé
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Quantum Monte Carlo...
Federico Becca,
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Probability And Random Number...
Hiroshi Sugita
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A Primer for the Monte Carlo...
Ilya M. Sobol
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Computer Simulation of...
Michael Patrick Allen,
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Computational Physics: An...
Badis Ydri
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Nonequilibrium Gas Dynamics...
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His Mistress for a Week
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