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Abraham Leon
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After Marx
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Christopher Nealon (Editor)
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The Jameson Reader
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Kathi Weeks (Editor)
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Marxist Literary and Cultural...
Moyra Haslett
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Exploring Marx's Capital:...
Jacques Bidet
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Clint Burnham,
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Periodizing Jameson:...
Phillip E Wegner
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Marxism and the Movies:...
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Kevin K Durand (Editor)
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Gramsci's Laboratory:...
Alvaro Bianchi
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Fredric Jameson: Marxism,...
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The Lukacs Reader: A Survey
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Culture as Politics: Selected...
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David Margolies
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Dialectical Imaginaries:...
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Contemporary Marxist Literary...
Francis Mulhern
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The Jamesonian Unconscious:...
Clint Burnham
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Universal Abandon?: The...
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Social Text Collective
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Marxism and Form: 20th...
Professor Fredric Jameson
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Jameson, Althusser, Marx:...
William C Dowling
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El Orden de El Capital: Por...
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Franz Kafka: An Anthology of...
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