Petroleum Biodegradation and...
Karuna K Arjoon,
James G Speight
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Marine Surfactants:...
Se-Kwon Kim (Editor),
Kyung-Hoon Shin (Editor)
Buy new from $81.01
The Ecotoxicology of Aquatic...
Mirta L. Menone (Editor),
Chris Metcalfe (Editor)
Buy new from $187.24
Marine Microbial...
Anjana K Vala (Editor),
Dushyant R Dudhagara (Editor)
Buy new from $81.94
Marine Organisms: A Solution...
Telma Encarnação (Editor),
Alberto Canelas Pais (Editor)
Buy new from $196.87
The Ecotoxicology of Aquatic...
Mirta L. Menone (Editor),
Chris Metcalfe (Editor)
Buy new from $140.50
eBook from $42.00
Marine Organisms: A Solution...
Telma Encarnação (Editor),
Alberto Canelas Pais (Editor)
Buy new from $196.87
eBook from $56.70
Petroleum Biodegradation and...
Karuna K. Arjoon,
James G. Speight
Buy new from $206.27
eBook from $52.25
Marine Surfactants:...
Se-Kwon Kim (Editor),
Kyung-Hoon Shin (Editor)
Buy new from $196.88
eBook from $45.65
Marine Microbial...
Anjana K Vala (Editor),
Dushyant R Dudhagara (Editor)
Buy new from $223.05
eBook from $45.65