Great Speeches by Frederick...
Douglass Douglass
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Congratulations, by the Way:...
George Saunders
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Kurt Vonnegut,
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The Other
Ryszard Kapuscinski,
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To Repair the World: Paul...
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Jonathan L Weigel (Editor)
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Great Speeches
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Loud and Proud: Lgbtq+...
Tea Uglow,
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The Speeches of Frederick...
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Great Speeches
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Selected Writings and...
Marcus Garvey,
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Burn This Book
Toni Morrison
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History's Greatest Speeches
James Daley (Editor)
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Great LGBTQ+ Speeches:...
Tea Uglow,
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Pauli Murray,
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Robert Frost: Speaking on...
Robert Frost,
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Discourse on Method
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Bob Blaisdell (Editor)
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J H Powell
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Lincoln's Speeches...
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Sadie T M Alexander,
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Political Speeches
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