Descriptor Systems of Integer...
Tadeusz Kaczorek,
Kamil Borawski
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Integer Programming
Laurence A Wolsey
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Linear and Integer...
Gerard Sierksma,
Yori Zwols
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Integer Programming
Michele Conforti,
Gérard Cornuéjols
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Scheduling in Supply Chains...
Tadeusz Sawik
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Applied Integer Programming
Der-San Chen,
Robert G Batson
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Nonlinear Integer Programming
Duan Li,
Xiaoling Sun
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Integer Programming: Theory...
John K Karlof (Editor)
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Constraint and Integer...
Michela Milano (Editor)
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Linear and Integer...
Gerard Sierksma,
Sierksma Sierksma
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Integer Programming and...
H a Eiselt,
K Spielberg (Contributions by)
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eBook from $47.70
Integer Programming
Laurence A Wolsey
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Advances in Linear and...
John Edward Beasley
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Nonlinear and Mixed-Integer...
Christodoulos A Floudas
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eBook from $97.50
Integer Programming
Stanislav Walukiewicz
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Parametric Integer...
Bernd Bank,
Reinhard Mandel
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eBook from $126.99
Parametric Integer...
B Bank,
R Mandel
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Integer and Combinatorial...
Laurence A Wolsey,
George L Nemhauser
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Linear and Integer...
Gerard Sierksma,
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Integer Programming
Robert Garfinkel,
George L Nemhauser
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