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History Books Best Sellers

Discover your next favorite history book. Browse our selection of history books from around the world to help you learn more about the past, ancient civilizations, war times, and more. We have an extensive collection of history books from all over the world - from Ancient Egypt to the Renaissance and beyond. Learn about the world with world history books, ancient history books, modern history books, and United States history books. Choose your favorite historical period to find your next favorite read, or search for a specific book by Title, Author, or ISBN.

Best-selling History titles

Second-Class Saints: Black Mormons and the Struggle for Racial Equality Second-Class Saints: Black...

Matthew L. Harris
Buy from $39.05

Earthborn Democracy: A Political Theory of Entangled Life Earthborn Democracy: A...

Ali Aslam, David W McIvor
Buy from $43.36

Earthborn Democracy: A Political Theory of Entangled Life Earthborn Democracy: A...

Ali Aslam, David W McIvor
Buy from $148.57

Reminiscing the Road Reminiscing the Road

Betty Oglesbee, John Oglesbee
Buy from $27.46

The Battle of Maldon: A New Critical Edition The Battle of Maldon: A New...

Mark Griffith
Buy from $170.04

Between the Wires: The Janowska Camp and the Holocaust in LVIV Between the Wires: The...

Waitman Wade Beorn
Buy from $74.76

Enemies Among Us: The Relocation, Internment, and Repatriation of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans During the Second World War Enemies Among Us: The...

John E Schmitz
Buy from $41.88

The Feminist Pacific: International Women's Networks in Hawai'i, 1820-1940 The Feminist Pacific:...

Rumi Yasutake
Buy from $46.58

Geteilte Nationen: Deutschland, China, Taiwan, Korea Und Zypern Im Vergleich Geteilte Nationen:...

Werner Pfennig
Buy from $62.13

Working for Debt: Banks, Loan Sharks, and the Origins of Financial Exploitation in the United States Working for Debt: Banks, Loan...

Simon Bittmann
Buy from $159.30

From Schmelt Camp to "Little Auschwitz": Blechhammer's Role in the Holocaust From Schmelt Camp to "Little...

Susanne Barth
Buy from $51.93

Curious Subjects: Women and the Trials of Realism Curious Subjects: Women and...

Hilary M. Schor
Buy from $38.34

From Schmelt Camp to "Little Auschwitz": Blechhammer's Role in the Holocaust From Schmelt Camp to "Little...

Susanne Barth
Buy from $116.35

Working for Debt: Banks, Loan Sharks, and the Origins of Financial Exploitation in the United States Working for Debt: Banks, Loan...

Simon Bittmann
Buy from $46.58

Watergate's Unexpected Hero: The Life of Peter W. Rodino Jr. Watergate's Unexpected Hero:...

Lawrence Spinelli
Buy from $31.64

Unholy Rebellion, Killing the Gods: Political Ideology and Insurrection in the Mayan Popul Vuh and the Andean Huarochiri Manuscript Unholy Rebellion, Killing the...

Sharonah Esther Fredrick
Buy from $84.15

The Feminist Pacific: International Women's Networks in Hawai'i, 1820-1940 The Feminist Pacific:...

Rumi Yasutake
Buy from $159.30

Buffalo Soldiers in California: Charles Young and the Ninth Cavalry, 1902-1904 Buffalo Soldiers in...

Brian G Shellum
Buy from $28.07

Raid and Reconciliation: Pancho Villa, Modernization, and Violence in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands Raid and Reconciliation:...

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Buy from $70.06

Rewilding the Urban Frontier: River Conservation in the Anthropocene Rewilding the Urban Frontier:...

Greg Gordon (Editor)
Buy from $70.06

AP U.S. History Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 5 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice AP U.S. History Premium, 2025...

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Buy from $30.22

Tell Mother Not to Worry: Soldier Stories from Gettysburg's George Spangler Farm Tell Mother Not to Worry:...

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Gender History: A Very Short Introduction Gender History: A Very Short...

Antoinette Burton
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History books FAQs

Alibris offers the best history books for each period, including:

  • 1776: America and Britain at War by David McCullough
    David McCullough is a historian who tells the story of the beginning of the United States of America in this history book, telling the stories of the colonies and the war against the British Empire. Read about the start of the nation with historical figures including King George III and George Washington, along with soldiers and their families.
  • Meditations: A New Translation by Marcus Aurelius
    This ancient work is written by a philosopher of Stoicism and emperor of Rome with a series of spiritual exercises, including pieces of wisdom, advice, and insights into human behavior.
  • The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
    The best history books are those that follow people through their lives during a certain time period. Follow the story of Anne Frank and her family in Nazi Germany when her diary begins on her 13th birthday and takes us through her struggles, from hiding in Amsterdam until the diary's sudden end.
  • The Art Of War by Sun Tzu
    Some of the best books about history focus on a certain subject, like warfare. This military treatise from the 5th century BCE is a warfare strategy book that teaches different aspects of warfare, including preparing commanders to mobilize, attack, and defend.

If you want to start as far back as possible, consider reading history books from ancient civilizations, including ancient Greece, Rome, and Middle Eastern and Asian civilizations. However, you don't have to start with the beginning of history. Instead, choose an aspect of history that you're interested in. For example, if you're interested in war, you can choose books focusing on World War I or World War II.

We have the best history books for each period. You can browse Alibris' selection of history books based on location, time period, and genre. For example, we offer history books from ancient civilizations to modern events, or you can browse our selection of biographies and autobiographies from any time period.

Yes, Alibris sells new and used books. Find the best history books from around the world and through history by clicking on a book to find sellers. If the book is available through our independent sellers, you'll see whether it's new or used and what condition it's in. Alibris guarantees your history book will arrive in the condition stated on the website.