Essentials of Critical...
Heidi M Levitt
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Situational Analysis:...
Adele E Clarke
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Grounded Theory: A Practical...
Melanie Birks,
Jane Mills
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Constructing Grounded Theory
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Doing Grounded Theory
Uwe Flick
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Grounded Theory in Practice
Dr. Anselm Strauss,
Juliet Corbin
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Basics of Qualitative...
Dr. Anselm Strauss,
Juliet Corbin
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Cathy Urquhart
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Barney G Glaser
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Developing Grounded Theory:...
Janice M Morse
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Theory Building in Applied...
Richard A Swanson, PhD,
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Basics of Qualitative...
Juliet Corbin,
Dr. Anselm Strauss
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Constructing Grounded Theory:...
Kathy Charmaz
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Situational Analysis:...
Adele E Clarke,
Carrie Friese
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Analysing Qualitative Data in...
Evanthia Lyons (Editor),
Adrian Coyle (Editor)
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The SAGE Handbook of Current...
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Kathy Charmaz (Editor)
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Situational Analysis in...
Professor Adele E Clarke (Editor),
Carrie Friese (Editor)
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Essentials of Accessible...
Phyllis Noerager Stern, Faan,
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Situational Analysis in...
Adele E Clarke (Editor),
Rachel Washburn (Editor)
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Grounded Theory: The...
Vivian B Martin (Editor),
Astrid Gynnild (Editor)
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Classic Grounded Theory:...
Judith A Holton,
Isabelle Walsh
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Basics of Qualitative...
Dr. Anselm Strauss,
Juliet Corbin
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Theoretical Sensitivity
Barney G. Glaser
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