Eleksin: the 1987 National...
Oliver M (Editor)
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The British General Election...
David Butler,
Dennis Kavanagh
Buy from $52.26
The British General Election...
David Butler,
Dennis Kavanagh
Buy from $5.51
How Voters Change: The 1987...
William L Miller,
Harold D Clarke
Buy from $19.73
Political Communications: The...
Ivor Crewe (Editor),
Martin Harrop (Editor)
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Britain Votes 4: British...
Fred W. S. Craig
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Thatcher's Britain: A Journey...
Terry Coleman
Buy from $5.03
The British General Election...
David Butler, LLB,
Dennis A Kavanagh
Buy from $103.94
South African Election
D.J. Van Vuuren (Editor),
et al (Editor)
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Thatcher's Britain: A Journey...
Terry Coleman
Buy from $2.85
Campaign!: The Selling of the...
Rodney Tyler
Buy from $3.52
How Ireland Voted: The Irish...
Michael Laver
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Manifesto of Manifestos:...
Bradbury Controls Ltd.
Buy from $202.93