Data Rules: Elevating...
Jim Knight,
Michael Faggella-Luby
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Evidence-Based Practice in...
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, RN,
Ellen Fineout-Overholt, PhD, RN, FAAN
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How to Write a Lot: A...
Paul J Silvia
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Qualitative Research: A Guide...
Sharan B Merriam
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Why Don't Students Like...
Daniel T Willingham
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Qualitative Inquiry and...
John W W Creswell
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The Family Tree Toolkit: A...
Kenyatta D Berry
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The Illustrated Guide to...
John Hattie,
Douglas Fisher
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From Topic to Thesis: A Guide...
Michael Kibbe
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The Power of Reading:...
Stephen D Krashen
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Official GRE Quantitative...
Educational Testing Service
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The Literature Review: Six...
Lawrence A a Machi,
Brenda T T McEvoy
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Powerful Teaching: Unleash...
Pooja K Agarwal,
Patrice M Bain
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Writing a Proposal for Your...
Steven R Terrell, PhD
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Researching the Law: Finding...
Amy E Sloan
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The Impact Cycle: What...
Jim Knight
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Teaching in Nursing and Role...
Marilyn H Oermann, PhD, RN, Faan (Editor),
Jennie C de Gagne, PhD, RN, CNE, Faan (Editor)
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Driven by Data 2.0: A...
Paul Bambrick-Santoyo
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Models of Qualitative...
Colleen M Conway (Editor)
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Research Design: Quantitative...
Patricia Leavy, PhD
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Educational Research:...
Dr. John W Creswell
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Creativity and Innovation:...
Jonathan A Plucker
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Classroom Instruction That...
Ceri B Dean,
Elizabeth Ross Hubbell
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Qualitative Data Analysis: A...
Matthew B B Miles,
A Michael Michael Huberman
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