Saturnalia, Volume I: Books 1...
Robert A. Kaster (Edited and translated by)
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Saturnalia, Volume III: Books...
Robert A. Kaster (Edited and translated by)
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Anglo-Saxon Conversations:...
Scott Gwara (Editor),
David W Porter (Translator)
Buy from $90.42
Collected Works of Erasmus:...
Desiderius Erasmus,
Craig Thompson (Translated with commentary by)
Buy from $224.00
Modern Poets
Lilio Gregorio Giraldi,
John N. Grant (Edited and translated by)
Buy from $22.00
Pierio Valeriano on the Ill...
Julia Haig Gaisser
Buy from $76.56
Solomon and Marcolf
Jan M Ziolkowski (Translator)
Buy from $39.00
Familiar Dialogue Friend...
Margaret Blayney (Editor)
Buy from $13.82
Boethius and Dialogue:...
Seth Lerer
Buy from $55.20
A Middle English Translation...
Edward Wilson (Editor),
Daniel Wakelin (Introduction by)
Buy from $44.50
Boethius and Dialogue:...
Professor Seth Lerer
Buy from $37.00
The Dialogue of Solomon and...
Donald Beecher
Buy from $15.00
Tudor Translations of the...
Desiderius Erasmus,
Dickie A. Spurgeon
Buy from $37.00
The Dialogue of Solomon and...
Donald Beecher
Buy from $27.50
Les oeuvres latines d'Alain...
Alain Chartier,
Pascale Bourgain-Hemeryck
Buy from $93.75
The Dialoges of Creatures...
G C Kratzmann
Buy from $87.92