Mestizaje: The Feminist Art...
Kathy Sosa,
Sandra Cisneros (Foreword by)
Buy new from $110.92
Mexican Muralist,...
Curtis Swope
Buy new from $101.63
Day of the Dead: The History...
Artes de Mexico Magazine
Buy new from $33.77
We Live in Painting: The...
Diana Magaloni (Editor),
Alyce de Carteret (Editor)
Buy new from $67.14
Amalia Mesa-Bains: Rituals of...
Tomás Ybarra-Frausto,
Chon A Noriega (Foreword by)
Buy new from $140.40
Dinner At Frida's: 90...
Gabriela Castellanos,
Hubertus Schuler (Photographer)
Buy new from $19.04
Frida Kahlo 2025 Luxury...
Flame Tree Studio (Creator)
Buy new from $33.29
The Book of Wounded Sparrows ...
Buy new from $141.27
Broken Boxes: A Decade of Art...
Ginger Dunnill,
Josie Lopez
Buy new from $40.84
Brujería: A Little...
Yvette Montoya
Buy new from $7.63
Sino-Mexican Art and Cultural...
Shengtian Zheng,
Shuyu Kong (Translator)
Buy new from $99.16
Cholo Writing: Latino Gang...
Francois Chastanet,
Howard Gribble
Buy new from $22.97
The Wound and the Stitch: A...
Loretta Victoria Ramirez
Buy new from $112.61
Advance of the Rear Guard:...
Michael Duncan (Memoir by),
Kristine McKenna (Memoir by)
Buy new from $40.84
Understories: Plants and...
Lesley Wylie (Editor)
Buy new from $138.11
Frida Kahlo. 40th Ed.
Luis-Martín Lozano
Buy new from $30.23
Weeds Tavern: Poster Art by...
Dave Hoekstra,
Michael Shannon (Foreword by)
Buy new from $28.01
Celia Álvarez Muñoz: Breaking...
Celia Alvarez Munoz (Photographer),
Roberto Tejada
Buy new from $49.45
Dwell Time: A Memoir of Art,...
Rosa Lowinger
Buy new from $25.42
Environmental Justice Poetics...
Kamala Joyce Platt
Buy new from $152.42
Frida Kahlo. 40th Ed.
Luis-Martín Lozano
Buy new from $22.99
Chicano Artists America...
José Andrés Girón
Buy new from $67.07
Artistas Latinoamericanos,...
Phaidon Editors,
Raphael Fonseca (Introduction by)
Buy new from $228.00
Frida Kahlo. 40th Ed.
Luis-Martín Lozano
Buy new from $40.49