The Northern Sea Route and...
Constantine Krypton
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The Russians in the Arctic:...
Terence Armstrong
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Throwing-sticks in the...
Otis Tufton Mason
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Arctic Expeditions from...
D Murray Smith
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Arctic Expeditions from...
D Murray Smith
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Journal of the Third Voyage...
William Edward Parry
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The Threshold of the Unknown...
Clements R Markham
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The Threshold of the Unknown...
Clements R Markham
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The Threshold of the Unknown...
Clements R Markham
Buy new from $60.50
The Threshold of the Unknown...
Clements R Markham
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The Voyage of the Narwhal
Andrea Barrett
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My Arctic Journal: A Year...
Josephine Diebitsch Peary,
Robert E 1856-1920 Peary
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La Siberie Orientale Et L...
Octave Sachot
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A Whaling Cruise To Baffin's...
Sir Albert Hastings Markham (Creator),
Osborn Sherard 1822-1875
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The Possibility of...
Mark Beaufoy,
Daines Barrington
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New lands within the Arctic...
Julius Payer
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Journal of the Third Voyage...
Sir William Edward Parry
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With Stefansson in the Arctic
Harold Noice
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Nansen in the Frozen World
S Berens,
Fridtjof Nansen
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Nansen in the Frozen World
S Berens,
Fridtjof Nansen
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A Whaling Cruise To Baffin's...
Sir Albert Hastings Markham (Creator),
Osborn Sherard 1822-1875
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Journal of H. M. S. Enterprise
Richard Collinson,
Marston Searle and Rivi Sampson Low (Creator)
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A Selection of Papers on...
Royal Geographical Society (Creator)
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An Arctic Rodeo
Daniel W Streeter
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