"Shadows of Fate" intricately weaves the lives of two families bound by intricate ties, jealousy, and unresolved conflicts. Kibria, once arrogant, undergoes a transformation when an unfortunate incident involving his cousin Abdullah and the innocent Alvi alters their destinies. Simultaneously, Suborna fights against criminal supremacy, finding an ally in Adithya. In another world, Mesam clashes with Arian, revealing a family secret that sparks hatred. The novel explores the relentless battles against injustice, ego, and ...
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"Shadows of Fate" intricately weaves the lives of two families bound by intricate ties, jealousy, and unresolved conflicts. Kibria, once arrogant, undergoes a transformation when an unfortunate incident involving his cousin Abdullah and the innocent Alvi alters their destinies. Simultaneously, Suborna fights against criminal supremacy, finding an ally in Adithya. In another world, Mesam clashes with Arian, revealing a family secret that sparks hatred. The novel explores the relentless battles against injustice, ego, and self-respect. As Mesam and Arian confront their true feelings, the shadows of their past intertwine, culminating in a tale of love, redemption, and the courage to embrace one's destiny.
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