This novel tells the story of Teo, a giant plagued by ghosts, of little Miranda, a sorceress in spite of herself, and of the beautiful Pat Finnegan, a woman who has crossed through the darkness and struggles to be freed of her nightmares. Three survivors called to play amongst the unforgettable giants of literature. Lucid and playful, rational yet delirious, it combines the imagination and the cruelty inherent in every fairy tale story.
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This novel tells the story of Teo, a giant plagued by ghosts, of little Miranda, a sorceress in spite of herself, and of the beautiful Pat Finnegan, a woman who has crossed through the darkness and struggles to be freed of her nightmares. Three survivors called to play amongst the unforgettable giants of literature. Lucid and playful, rational yet delirious, it combines the imagination and the cruelty inherent in every fairy tale story.
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