""The Black Tulip"" is a captivating historical novel written by Alexandre Dumas, the renowned French author. Set in the Netherlands during the 17th century, the story unfolds against the backdrop of the tulip mania, a period of intense speculation and obsession with tulip bulbs. The novel follows the journey of Cornelius van Baerle, a young tulip grower who becomes determined to breed a black tulip-a flower of exquisite beauty and rarity. However, his quest for the black tulip is fraught with challenges and obstacles, ...
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""The Black Tulip"" is a captivating historical novel written by Alexandre Dumas, the renowned French author. Set in the Netherlands during the 17th century, the story unfolds against the backdrop of the tulip mania, a period of intense speculation and obsession with tulip bulbs. The novel follows the journey of Cornelius van Baerle, a young tulip grower who becomes determined to breed a black tulip-a flower of exquisite beauty and rarity. However, his quest for the black tulip is fraught with challenges and obstacles, including political intrigue, rivalries, and personal vendettas. Amidst the backdrop of a society consumed by tulip fever, Dumas weaves a tale of love, betrayal, and redemption. As Cornelius pursues his horticultural masterpiece, he faces both external and internal struggles, testing his resilience and character.
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Add this copy of The Black Tulip to cart. $22.71, new condition, Sold by Ingram Customer Returns Center rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from NV, USA, published 2023 by True Sign Publishing House Private Limited.
Add this copy of The Black Tulip to cart. $22.61, new condition, Sold by Media Smart rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Hawthorne, CA, UNITED STATES, published 2023 by True Sign Publishing House Private Limited.