All 41 of �lvaro Uribe's stories are contained in this book; they're at once transparent and enigmatic, written by one of the best prose writers in the Spanish language. The precision and potency of his phrasing, and the almost mathematical precision of his words, is celebrated for good reason. No less noteworthy is his extravagant cast of characters: unborn children, friars, criminals, and philosophers star in these incredible stories that range from satire to fantasy, historical fables to metaphysical minifiction, and ...
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All 41 of �lvaro Uribe's stories are contained in this book; they're at once transparent and enigmatic, written by one of the best prose writers in the Spanish language. The precision and potency of his phrasing, and the almost mathematical precision of his words, is celebrated for good reason. No less noteworthy is his extravagant cast of characters: unborn children, friars, criminals, and philosophers star in these incredible stories that range from satire to fantasy, historical fables to metaphysical minifiction, and horror to mystery. Este libro re�ne todos los cuentos de �lvaro Uribe. Es decir: contiene cuarenta y un relatos impecables, a un mismo tiempo transparentes y enigm�ticos, escritos por uno de los mayores prosistas de la lengua. Una y otra vez se escucha celebrar la redonda escritura de este narrador mexicano, la precisi�n y potencia de sus frases, la casi matem�tica composici�n de sus p�ginas. No menos sorprendente es su imaginaci�n literaria. Pasen y vean: por aqu� circula una extravagante tropa de personajes --fetos, ni�os, frailes, criminales, fil�sofos-- y todo va y viene de la s�tira a la fantas�a, de la f�bula hist�rica a la minificci�n metaf�sica, del cuento de fantasmas al relato polic�aco. Un formidable banquete literario.
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