Web engineering is now a well-established and mature ?eld of research with strong relationships with other disciplines such as software engineering, human-computer interaction, and arti?cial intelligence. Web engineering has also been recognized as a multidisciplinary ?eld, which is growing fast together with the growth of the World Wide Web. This evolution is manifested in the richness of the Web Engineering Conferences which attract researchers, prac- tioners, educators, and students from di?erent countries. ...
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Web engineering is now a well-established and mature ?eld of research with strong relationships with other disciplines such as software engineering, human-computer interaction, and arti?cial intelligence. Web engineering has also been recognized as a multidisciplinary ?eld, which is growing fast together with the growth of the World Wide Web. This evolution is manifested in the richness of the Web Engineering Conferences which attract researchers, prac- tioners, educators, and students from di?erent countries. Thisvolumecontainstheproceedingsofthe10thInternationalConferenceon WebEngineering(ICWE2010),whichwasheldinVienna,Austria,inJuly2010. The ICWE conferences are among the most essential events of the Web en- neering community. This fact is manifested both by the number of accomplished researchers that support the conference series with their work and contributions as well as by the continuing patronage of several international organizations dedicated to promoting research and scienti?c progress in the ?eld of Web en- neering. ICWE 2010 followed conferences in San Sebastian, Spain; Yorktown Heights, NY, USA; Como, Italy; Palo Alto, CA, USA; Sydney, Australia; Munich, G- many; Oviedo, Spain; Santa Fe, Argentina; and Caceres, Spain. This year's call for research papers attracted a total of 120 submissions from 39 countries spanning all continents of the world with a good coverage of all the di?erent aspects of Web engineering. Topics addressed by the contributions includedareasrangingfrommoretraditional?eldssuchasmodel-drivenWeb- gineering,Webservices,performance,search,SemanticWeb,quality,andtesting to novel domains such as the Web 2.0, rich Internet applications, and mashups.
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